
Japanese sake

Japanese sake

Japanese sake is made from squeezing moromi(fermented rice,rice koji,and water). After squeezing moromi,sake lees are left after extraction of Japanese sake. I and a friend of mine who is a sake brewer are agree with that sake lees remain That’s why Japanese use sake lees for cooking such as ‘kasujiru’(sake lees soup). Usually,I use sake as requid with bonbon chocolat,for this tablet,I use crispy sake lees flake of ‘Senpuku’ a brewing company from Hiroshima.’Senpuku’ is famous for its fragrant,delicate sake. With special technique,extracting water from sake lees,and make them into a crispy flake. And also to add baked white rice flake in this chocolate,it can be described as “having whole set of roots of Japanese sake’.
